Friday, 18 January 2019

Auto ignition

Auto ignition
A mixture of fuel and air can react spontaneously and produce heat by chemical reaction in the absence of flame to initiate the combustion or self-ignition. This type of self-ignition in the absence of flame is known as Auto-Ignition. The temperature at which the self-ignition takes place is known as self-igniting temperature. The pressure and temperature abruptly increase due to auto-ignition because of sudden release of chemical energy. This auto-
ignition leads to abnormal combustion known as detonation which is undesirable because its bad effect on the engine performance and life as it abruptly increases sudden large amount of heat energy. In addition to this knocking puts a limit on the compression ratio at which an engine can be operated which directly affects the engine efficiency and output.

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CCE lesson for class 5 subject Hindi

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