Wednesday, 16 January 2019


© ISO 9000 series:
ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. It is an
international body consists of representatives from more than 90 countries .
The national standard bodies of these countries are the members of this
organization. This is a non-government organization. It provides common
standards of goods and services on international trades.
ISO 9000 series has 5 nos. of international standards on quality
management with different objectives as stated in the following.
ISO 9000 → Provides general guidelines for quality standard
ISO 9001 → Provide guidelines for supplier i.e.
 Design & development
 Production
 Installation
 Servicing
It has 20 elements
ISO 9002 → Provide guidelines for manufacturer i.e.
 Production
 Installation
It has 18 elements (i.e. excepts design & development as comp. to 9001)
ISO 9003 → Provides guidelines for test houses i.e.
 Final inspection
 Testing for laboratories and warehouses.
It has 12 elements
ISO 9004 → Provide guidelines for i.e.
 Quality management
 Quality assurance
Benefits of 9000 series
1. It helps to compete with global market.
2. Consistency in quality as ISO guidelines detect defective early so that
rectification is possible.
3. Documentation of quality procedure adds clarify to quality system.
4. It gives guidelines and ensures adequate and regular quality training for
all members of the organization.
5. It helps the customers to have cost effective purchase procedure.
6. The customers need not spend much time for quality testing for the firm
holding ISO certificate.
7. The job satisfaction is more.
8. It also help in increasing productivity by reducing wastage and
improvement of quality (for which revenue is high).
Steps in ISO 9000 Registration
The following steps are followed in ISO 9000 registration
1. Selection of appropriate standard i.e., ISO 9001/9002/9003 using
guidelines given in ISO 9000.
2. Preparation of quality manual to cover all the elements in the selected
3. Preparation of procedure and shop floor instruction which are used at
the time of implementing the system. Also document these items.
4. Self auditing to check compliance for the selected standard/model.
5. Selection of a Registrar (an independent person with knowledge and
experience to evaluate any one of the three quality system i.e.,
ISO9001/9002/9003) and application is to be submitted to obtain
certificate for the selected quality standard/system/model.

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